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Pet Boarding Sitting & Kennels:

Bar-ben Kennels 
Address: 58 Grays Rd
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-659-5278
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Blue Ribbon Pet Sitters 
Address: 381 Mccarty Rd
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-373-6538
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Calypso Kennels 
Address: 14 Enterprise Ct
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-720-0050
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Critter Care 
Address: 9 Bainbridge Ln
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-710-7809
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Lisa's Bed Biscuit 
Address: 80 England Run Ln
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-374-1920
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Lisa's Bed & Biscuit 
Address: 80 England Run Ln
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-374-1920
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Peace Of Mind Pet Svc 
Address: 1005 Jefferson Davis Hwy
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-623-6929
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Peace Of Mind Pet Svc 
Address: 10908 Courthouse Rd
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-623-6929
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Purr-fect Paws Pet Sitting 
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-907-7832
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Silverbrook Kennels 
Address: 50 Red Fox Ln
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-720-3661
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