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Anytime Flowers 
Address: 4112 Mossy Bank Ln
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-479-2652
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Edna's Southpoint Florist 
Address: 4719 Jefferson Davis Hwy
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-760-8459
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Finishing Touch Flower Shop 
Address: 215 Kings Hwy #102
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-371-3546
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Finishing Touch Flower Shop 
Address: 215 Kings Hwy # 102
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-371-3546
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Flower Shop 
Address: 415 William St
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-371-4616
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G C Sons Inc 
Address: 415 William St
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-371-4616
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Hodge Podge Florist Furn 
Address: 1108 Caroline St
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-374-1755
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Jan Williams Florals 
Address: 720 William St
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-373-8826
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Mary Washington Florist 
Address: 442 Bridgewater St
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-371-2433
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Merryman's Florist Llc 
Address: 1230 Jefferson Davis Hwy
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-371-4567
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Plants 'n Things 
Address: 221 Deacon Rd
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-371-7495
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Thompson's Florist Inc 
Address: 2089 Jefferson Davis Hwy
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-373-4591
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Westwood Florist 
Address: 1905 Plank Rd
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-371-0743
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