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Shopping Centers & Malls:

Breezewood Center 
Address: 10600 Courthouse Rd
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Central Park 
Address: Carl D Silver Pkwy Route 3
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Chancellor Center 
Address: 4179 Plank Rd
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Chatham Square 
Address: 411 Chatham Heights Rd #107
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Ferry Farm Shopping Ctr 
Address: 201 Kings Hwy
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Four Mile Fork Shopping Ctr 
Address: 5099 Jefferson Davis Hwy
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Fredericksburg Design Ctr 
Address: 2346 Plank Rd
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Fredericksburg Park Shop 
Address: Jefferson Davis Hwy
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Fredericksburg Shopping Ctr 
Address: 519 Jefferson Davis Hwy
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Gateway Village 
Address: Ih 95 Route 3
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Lafayette Center 
Address: 4006 Lafayette Blvd
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Lee Plaza 
Address: 320 Jefferson Davis Hwy
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Massaponax Outlet Ctr 
Address: 4700 Southpoint Pkwy
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Old Country Plaza 
Address: 3940 Plank Rd #a
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Olde Greenwich 
Address: 150 Olde Greenwich Dr
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Shoppes At Courthouse 
Address: 10813 Courthouse Rd
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Spotsylvania Crossing 
Address: 3501 Plank Rd
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: NA
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Spotsylvania Towne Ctr 
Address: 3102 Plank Rd #137
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-786-6660
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Spotsylvania Towne Ctr 
Address: 3102 Plank Rd # 137
City: Fredericksburg
Phone: 540-786-6660
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