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 Kids Crafts

Let's keep these kids busy doing fun and low cost activities! Check out these great sites for craft ideas.

Craft supplies are a great resource to always have on hand to chase away the boredom blues. Keep a box or Rubbermaid bin full with different supplies.

  • Paper plates/bowls/cups (all sizes)
  • paper lunch bags
  • construction paper
  • shredded paper
  • glitter
  • cotton balls, cotton swabs
  • finger paint, paint, fabric paint
  • glue, glitter glue
  • scissors (straight ones, zigzag ones, curvy ones - you get the idea!)
  • feathers
  • string, ribbon, lace
  • paint brushes (all sizes)
  • stamps, stamp pads (all colors)
  • sponges (all shapes & sizes)
  • toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes,
  • tongue depressors, popsicle sticks
  • felt markers, yarn
  • pipecleaners
  • sequins, confetti
  • crayons, pencil crayons
  • stickers
  • shells, rice, dried beans, peas, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds
  • buttons, beads, bottle caps
  • rubber bands
  • wiggle eyes
  • pasta (all shapes & sizes), dried cereal - cheerios, honeycomb, alphabets, to name a few!)
  • pompoms
  • hole punch, stapler
  • scotch tape
  • socks (to make puppets)
  • chalk (inside and outside varieties)
  • cookie cutters, molds
  • puzzle pieces (you know, the ones that are missing a few!)
  • plastic lids, paper muffin cups, paper coffee filters, milk jug lids (make great wheels for shoebox vehicles)
  • old catalogs and magazines, pics from old calendars, old greeting cards

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