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 Wedding Toast Tips

Questions to Ask Yourself
When Preparing Your Wedding Toast:


  • How long have you known the Bride and Groom? And how did you meet?
  • How did the Bride and Groom meet? Were you involved?
  • How did the Groom propose to the Bride? And what was her immediate reaction?
  • How long has the Bride and Groom been a couple?
  • Do they have children?
  • What are the Bride and Groom's mutual interests?
  • What 5 words come to mind when you think of the Groom?
  • What 5 words come to mind when you think of the Bride?
  • What is the funniest thing that happened to the Groom while Bride was present? And vice-versa?
  • What is the funniest thing that happened to the Groom (or Bride) while you were present?
  • What would you like the future to hold for the Bride and Groom?


When writing funny wedding toasts: Absolutely no words about ex-girlfriends or past relationships, and don't say anything that will make the Groom look like a slacker, an idiot or bad in any other light. Making too much fun of the Bride and Groom is definitely not allowed.

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